Phonebook Search
Download: phonebook.tar.gz
Author: paulie
License: n/a
- Written in C++ for numerous environments
- Creates a tree of phonebook entries
- Object oriented design that allows easy lookup, removal, and display features
Download: phonebook.tar.gz
Author: paulie
License: n/a
- Written in C++ for numerous environments
- Creates a tree of phonebook entries
- Object oriented design that allows easy lookup, removal, and display features
// CSCI 2270 // Assignment 5 :: The PhoneBook by Paul Johnson // This probably won't compile and is for viewing purposes only // Refer to actual download for full program #include <iostream> #include <istream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <string> char printMenu(); using namespace std; PhoneBook book; int main() { int count = 0; char choice; string file, search, areacode, phonenumber, copy; PhoneBookNode* found = 0; PhoneBookEntry info; cout << "\nAssignment 5: The PhoneBook by Paul Johnson\n" << endl; choice = printMenu(); while (choice != 'q') { if (choice == 'r') { cout << "Enter the name of a phonebook file: "; cin >> file; ifstream ifs; if (book.root != NULL) { delete book.root; book.root = NULL; }; while (ifs.peek()!=EOF) { PhoneBookEntry newEntry; ifs >> newEntry; ifs.get(); book.createNodes(newEntry,book.root); cout << "Node Created - " << count << endl; count++; } ifs.close(); } if (choice == 'p') { book.root->printTree(); } if (choice == 'l') { cout << "Enter the Area Code in the format xxx: "; cin >> areacode; cout << "Enter the Phone# in the format xxx-xxxx: "; cin >> phonenumber; copy = "("; copy = copy + areacode; copy = copy + ")"; search = copy + phonenumber; cout << "\nYou searched for the number " << search << "." << endl; found = book.findNumber(search); if (found == NULL) { cout << "Sorry, your number was not found." << endl; } else { cout << *found << endl; } } if (choice == 'd') { book.deleteNode(found); cout << search << " was deleted from the tree." << endl; } if (choice == 's') { book.root->sidewaysTree(4); } choice = printMenu(); } } char printMenu() { char choice = ' '; cout << " 'r': read a phone book file and build the search tree" << endl; cout << " 'p': print the phone book in the order of phone numbers" << endl; cout << " 'l': look up a phone number" << endl; cout << " 'd': delete the most recently looked up number from the tree" << endl; cout << " 's': print the first four levels of the tree 'sideways'" << endl; cout << " 'q': quit" << endl; cin >> choice; return (choice); } class PhoneBook { friend class PhoneBookEntry; friend class PhoneBookNode; public: // constructor PhoneBook(); // creates nodes that build the tree based on the inputted file void createNodes(PhoneBookEntry &entry, PhoneBookNode* root); // deletes the node containing the current phone# looked up void deleteNode(PhoneBookNode* deleted); // searches the tree for the given phone# PhoneBookNode* findNumber(std::string number); PhoneBookNode* root; }; PhoneBook::PhoneBook() { root = NULL; } void PhoneBook::createNodes(PhoneBookEntry &entry,PhoneBookNode* current) { if (root == NULL) { root = new PhoneBookNode(entry); } else { if (entry < current->entry) { if (current->left == NULL) { current->left = new PhoneBookNode(entry); } else { current = current->left; createNodes(entry, current); } } else { if (current->right == NULL) { current->right = new PhoneBookNode(entry); } else { current = current->right; createNodes(entry, current); } } } } void PhoneBook::deleteNode(PhoneBookNode* deleted) { PhoneBookNode* current, *previous; current = deleted; if (current->right != NULL) { current = current->right; previous = current; while (current->left != NULL) { previous = current; current = current->left; } previous->left = current->right; } else { if (current->left != NULL) { current = current->left; deleted->left = current->left; deleted->right = current->right; } else { current = root; while (current->left != deleted && current->right != deleted) { if (current->entry < deleted->entry) { current = current->right; } else { current = current->left; } } if (current->right == deleted) { current->right = NULL; } if (current->left == deleted) { current->left = NULL; } } delete deleted; return; } deleted->entry = current->entry; current->right = NULL; current->left = NULL; delete current; } PhoneBookNode* PhoneBook::findNumber(std::string phonenumber) { PhoneBookNode* current; current = root; while (current != NULL) { if (current->entry.phonenumber == phonenumber) { return current; } if (current->entry.phonenumber > phonenumber) { current = current->left; } else { current = current->right; } } return NULL; } class PhoneBookEntry { friend class PhoneBook; friend class PhoneBookNode; friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &in, PhoneBookEntry &entry); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, PhoneBookEntry &e); friend bool operator<(PhoneBookEntry &entry1, PhoneBookEntry &entry2); public: PhoneBookEntry(){} private: std::string theRest; std::string phonenumber; }; istream& operator>>(istream &in, PhoneBookEntry &e) { e.phonenumber = '('; for(int i = 0; i<89; i++) { e.theRest += in.get(); } in.get(); for(int i = 0; i<4; i++) { e.phonenumber += in.get(); } in.get(); for(int i = 0; i<8; i++) { e.phonenumber += in.get(); } return in; } ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, PhoneBookEntry &e) { out << e.theRest << " " << e.phonenumber << " "<< endl; return out; } bool operator<(PhoneBookEntry &e1, PhoneBookEntry &e2) { return e1.phonenumber < e2.phonenumber; } class PhoneBookNode { friend class PhoneBookEntry; friend class PhoneBook; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, PhoneBookNode &a1); friend bool operator==(PhoneBookEntry &e1, PhoneBookEntry &e2); public: PhoneBookNode(const PhoneBookEntry &entry); PhoneBookNode():left(NULL),right(NULL){} ~PhoneBookNode(); // prints the sorted tree of phone#'s to the terminal void printTree(); // prints the first four levels of the phone#'s of the tree to the terminal void sidewaysTree(int depth); private: PhoneBookEntry entry; PhoneBookNode *left; PhoneBookNode *right; }; PhoneBookNode::PhoneBookNode(const PhoneBookEntry &e) { entry = e; left = NULL; right = NULL; } PhoneBookNode::~PhoneBookNode() { delete left; delete right; } void PhoneBookNode::printTree() { if (left != NULL) { left->printTree(); } cout << entry.theRest << entry.phonenumber << endl; if (right != NULL) { right->printTree(); } } void PhoneBookNode::sidewaysTree(int depth) { if (depth <= 0) { return; } if (right != NULL) { right->sidewaysTree(depth-1); } cout << setw(4*(4 - depth)) << ' ' << entry.phonenumber << endl; if (left != NULL) { left->sidewaysTree(depth-1); } } ostream& operator <<(ostream& out, PhoneBookNode &a1) { out << a1.entry; return out; } bool operator ==(PhoneBookEntry &e1, PhoneBookEntry &e2) { return (e1 == e2); }