Perl-based Scheduling System for CWA
- Web scheduling system for the Conference on World Affairs
- Built from scratch using a custom made Perl-based database
- Uses a conflict detection system to prevent overlapping/duplicate events
- Level-based security gives users different roles while keeping out unwanted ones
- Snapshot system keeps backups of the database in case of disaster
- 2008 ITL Design Expo Best in Section Award
- Built from scratch using a custom made Perl-based database
- Uses a conflict detection system to prevent overlapping/duplicate events
- Level-based security gives users different roles while keeping out unwanted ones
- Snapshot system keeps backups of the database in case of disaster
- 2008 ITL Design Expo Best in Section Award
Discovery of HuR binding sites using a machine learning approach
- Predicts future HuR binding targets (ubiquitous mRNA binding protein)
- 2008 Larry Fosdick Award Nomination
- 2008 Larry Fosdick Award Nomination
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Pthread Performance in an MPI Model
- Examines shared versus distributed memory strategies in a supercomputing cluster
- Investigates advantages and disadvantages of Pthreads and MPI
- Provides example conclusions through two primality algorithms written in C with the Pthread and MPI libraries
- Investigates advantages and disadvantages of Pthreads and MPI
- Provides example conclusions through two primality algorithms written in C with the Pthread and MPI libraries
AVL Tree
- Written in C for UNIX based systems
- Supports insertion, deletion, search and print
- Supports insertion, deletion, search and print
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Sorting Algorithms
- Written in C for UNIX based systems
- Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Radix Sort
- Shell Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort
- Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Radix Sort
- Shell Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort
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Doubly-linked List
- Written in C for UNIX based systems
- Supports insertion, deletion, search and print
- Supports insertion, deletion, search and print
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Binary Search Tree
- Written in C for UNIX based systems
- Supports insertion, deletion, search and print
- Supports insertion, deletion, search and print
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Phonebook Search
- Written in C++ for numerous environments
- Creates a tree of phonebook entries
- Object oriented design that allows easy lookup, removal, and display features
- Creates a tree of phonebook entries
- Object oriented design that allows easy lookup, removal, and display features
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MIDI Player
- Written in C and ASM for Motorolla 68K based systems
- Interrupt driven design based on a digital2analog IO device
- LCD based menu system featuring 6 manually programmed tracks
- Interrupt driven design based on a digital2analog IO device
- LCD based menu system featuring 6 manually programmed tracks
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getmac : Retrieve physical MAC address on Solaris without being root
- Uses libdlpi and arp to obtain the MAC address of a given network interface
- Written in C
- Written in C
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